William Warburton
Life-changing magic
This notebook is probably for real time discovery
Habit propagation
Always Already Programming
28/10/2021 6:39 AM
Husserl and the Search for Certitude - 3
Husserl and the Search for Certitude - 2
Husserl and the Search for Certitude
Visualising legal fictions
Derrida on signatures
Visual programming and mushiness
Algebra is generous
Dutilh Novaes on Maxwell's equations
Marie Kondo for rectangles
Writing and indexicality or something like that
Books Are Fake And Don't Work
Différance and the middle distance
Husserl on the number twelve specifically
Frege and Husserl on numbers
Grumbling about twitter
Lack of narrative meaning
Kill Math, or maybe Don't Kill Math
Speech and Phenomena notes 4: Repeatability
Speech and Phenomena notes 3: more on the inner monologue
Why do I care about Derrida?
Speech and Phenomena notes 2: hearing yourself speak
Speech and Phenomena notes 1: indication and expression
Consistency paralysis
"second brain should be a mess imo, like first brain"